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Atmospheric Dispersion And Parallel Transport

The Atmospheric Dispersion And Parallel Transport (ADAPT) program can be used to evaluate various OMP parallel statements in the context of atmospheric dispersion calculations to optimize the number of cores available in a processor. Program elements including reading ARL packed meteorological data files, converting meteorological data to computational units, computing particle advection and dispersion, and the accumulation of particle mass on a concentration grid. Mass transformations or deposition are not available. The current version only supports the use of conformal projection meteorological data on sigma surfaces for transport and TKE fields for mixing. The computer code and data files described here are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.



A Windows executable is provided for testing and evaluation. Execution on other platforms requires downloading and compiling the source code. Meteorological data must be independently downloaded.


The CAPTEX calculation example can be used to simulate CAPTEX release #2 in the same manner as described in the HYSPLIT tutorial. Running the Windows version of ADAPT through this batch file requires both the installation of the Tutorial and HYSPLIT which contain the meteorological data and several post-processing programs that are used to analyze the ADAPT model output.


The Source code is written in FORTRAN and can easily be compiled on various platforms using the gfortran compiler with the following options: -ffree-form -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -fopenmp. Other compilers may require slightly different options. The CMAPF map transformations subroutines need to be independently downloaded.


The User's Guide should be reviewed first to determine whether the ADAPT code is suitable for its indended use. Note that the code only simulates transport and dispersion of inert substances. Deposition or transformations are not available. Only WRF meteorological data fields with TKE that have been post-processed for use by HYSPLIT will work with the code.
